June 20, 2016

Sean Jahn

Sean (19), a transgender male from upstate New York, shares his experiences.

When we first met him he was in his early stages of hormone therapy and traveling to the city from upstate New York every two weeks to see his medical practitioner at Callen-­‐Lorde.

He has the support of his mom, the no-­‐nonsense Nancy. We watch as she learns to give Sean his testosterone shots and see how she comes to accept that she no longer has a daughter.

Sean is an aspiring comedian. He uses his stand-­‐up comedy to break the barriers of discomfort when talking about his transition process.

We see him change as he goes through his hormone therapy, and witness when he finally feels like his mind and body are connecting for the first time.


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DIRECTED Pamela French
PRODUCER BY Pamela French